Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Message of Inspiration to Newtown, Connecticut

Why, Why, Why

Lord bless the little children,
The little children of our world,
Bless the little boys and the little girls,
It's a shame, a sad, sad shame,
That we take mental illness as a game,
We feel as our people, they are the same,
But really, really these people only seek fame,
Fame to see our hurt and pain,
Fame that is so harsh and lame,
But in the end, we all are to blame
Blame to the mental illness that we see,
How long will we let this illness be,
Oh, Mr. President hear our cry,
Or else continue to let our country die....
As many parents say goodbye,
All I think and say is why, why, why....

God bless the families of Newtown, Connecticut, my heart goes out to you,
You all are forever in my prayers!!!

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