Thursday, December 6, 2012

Web 2.0 Tools

Utilizing Web 2.0 Tools

I guess the best thing I can truly say about the Web 2.0 tools is that they are AWESOME!!!  I never had so much fun utilizing them.  I don't know which one is the better, because I enjoyed them all.  The Glogster is definitely on my to do list in the classroom.  I know the students will be so engaged with this tool, no matter what they're creating.  I must have created two or three glogs before I decided on the one I really wanted to use.  The topic I chose for my social studies unit was the five oceans in the world.  Since my lesson plans were on the nine planets and the seven continents, I decided to do a lesson on the five oceans.  I created my games from the Classtools website.  It was so easy to use.  I created 20 questions and answers based on my glog and  with one click of my mouse, the test was prepared and ready for the players.  This tool is definitely a must have for any classroom.  The games are like arcade games and the students have to shoot "rockets" (I call them), on the correct answer advancing to more levels when they complete one.  It even had a flashcard game in which students could study and guess what the answer was and check their answers to see if it was right.  I created another game (forgot the names, I was so excited), in which they have to aim "pellets" (my own name for them), on the correct answer.  It has speed to it so the students do have to be quick on their feet.  I just could not stop playing the games.  I think creating games on the lessons taught to students reinforces the lesson concepts, plus add enjoyment.  Some children of today are fascinated with video games, so why not give them what they want in an "educational" way with the rewards of pure intelligence.  Now, the video I created on the Animoto website kind of gave me trouble at the start, but I am a fighter and am very determined to get what I want and I wanted my video and I got it.  After many deletions, I finally got the best 30 second video I've ever made in my life.  And I must say, I was very, very proud of my accomplishments.  As I sit here and write this blog, I am just so enthused about my creations so I think as an adult to be so happy about my work, I could wonder how it would make a child feel.  The Web 2.0 tools are excellent technology tools that will be very effective in teaching and learning.  I have to say this was the best assignment that I really, really enjoyed completing and very confident of.  You all have to visit my creations, I posted the links below and please let me know how you enjoyed them.  Test your knowledge about the five oceans and play the games I created.  Remember to add your name to the list after you successfully complete (pass) each test.

Glogster Address:

Classtools Address:

Animoto Address:

All About Twitter

For starters, this entire course has been such a rewarding experience.  It has completely opened my life up too many challenges, yet enriching experiences.  I finally feel like I "fit in" and "belong" to the technology world.  I have learned about technologies that are very new to me, but they have always been in existence.  I guess my overall favorite technologies are Twitter, Glogster, and Prezi.  It took a while to get it but once I did, there was no stopping me.

Twitter is an excellent resource tool for consuming and learning.  It has a great number of resources to help students follow other people who will be useful to them based on technology being used.  It is a personal learning network to connect, share, and network.  I've learned how to follow interesting people, read their tweets, and learn from them.  Then, I share it with my followers or classmates.  The hashtags have helped to point me in the right direction.  It is a continually process.  You have to interact with Twitter occasionally to check in, reply, and participate to keep the conversation and learning going.  It's a digital pot of learning, growth, and inspiration.

I have so many organizations and people that I follow, but only a few whom I am very interested in the most.  The Edudemic organization always have just the right article on any technology device I am researching.  Jeff Dunn wrote an article about different ways to utilize the iPad in the classroom and explained various apps to help teachers in the classroom as well.  I found the Miss Speller and the 3D Human Anatomy to be my personal favorites.  It goes right along with my beliefs that students learn best by doing.  Julie Adams, another person of interest that I follow, wrote an article about the effects of utilizing iPads in the classroom.  It explained how some teachers in a Maine school district gave positive effects of their use of the iPad for classroom instruction, however, one teacher had the fear of losing the students motivation after the iPads are put away.  Chris Adams also reported the same positive effect of the iPad in the 1:1 classroom on students learning.  In the classroom, I would assign students to research lesson concepts on a weekly basis (as Dr. Ray has), I think it helps the students to get a better understanding of what they have learned and/or never knew, building on their prior knowledge.  Another idea would be to assign the students different people of interest to follow and learn about, then do a report of that person and/or organization.  For professional development, teachers could be assigned to research about ways and/or ideas to incorporate various programs in their schools.  I have read a lot of tweets about school programs that have been proven to have a positive effect on the school environment.  Margaret A. Storey wrote about the impact of social media on software engineering.  Her company, IEEE Software has reasonable software for school districts to incorporate in their schools that counts down on the spam, viruses, etc.  

I totally agree with the integration of technology in the classroom, as it is needed for students to learn in this everchanging global world of ours, but technology should not be the primary focus, the focus is on the learners.  I feel that education is so centered around various technology devices and many other useful tools that pedagogy is thrown out the window so the devices can be supported.  Do any of you agree?  The educational plan should be having a clear mental image on how student learning goals can be supported with technology.  When this happens, purposeful and meaningful learning can take place.  As educators, we must continually be growing and finding new ways to learn and reach our students.  Twitter can bring about a positive pedagogy change in my teaching. 


  1. Good job on the glog, students will really enjoy how bright and animated it is. The links to the websites are also very informative as to what lives in the oceans you guys will be studying. Students will enjoy this paired with your animoto. Anything to make lessons more appealing and interesting is great to spark interest and better grades in students!

  2. Edwina, I do agree. I have learned many new tools to aid in classroom teaching this semester. However, these tools should be used to aid in instruction. I do feel that a teacher has an obligation to teach students how to be successful in the real world, and technology is apart of that world. But it is just one of many parts! I loved your project, and reading your thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Edwina, I'm glad you've' had such a wonderful experience. Your glog looks great! I'm sure students would learn so much from using the technology tools you have included with your lesson. I agree there are so many wonderful technology tools to use to engage students in learning.

  4. You have done a wonderful job creating engaging activities. I believe the students will have a blast while learning the units you have planned. I didn't get a chance to use classtools so I can't wait to try it for myself.

  5. I am so glad that you have enjoyed using twitter. I feel like it would be an excellent resource for educators and possibly even our students. I do wish that I had more understanding about it and how to use it better. However, I still believe that it is a great resource. Thanks for sharing such wonderful lessons and resources. I have enjoyed viewing your posts.
